April 2024 DCES PTO Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

4/3/2024 1:13 pm

DCES PTO BOARD MEETING MINUTES - New Board Old Board meeting -  April 2, 2024



Tara McConnell, Old Board Co-President 

April Beauboeuf, New Board Co-President

Sophie Badgett, New Board Co-President

Lisa Lee, Old Board Treasurer

Kristen Easton, New Board Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Stephanie Sedlak, New Board VP Communications

Casey Magargle, New Board VP Communications

Melanie Frisone, Old Board VP of Hospitality

Blair Geczi, New Board VP of Hospitality

Kimberly Lyons, New Board VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, Old Board VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Courtney Schramm, Old Board VP Communications

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

A + Recognition April 9th Governing Board Meeting RSVP.Share out to DCES Families as well. 

Kindergarten enrollment - up to 60, 37 in Mandarin. 

Testing going on this week. Last week was 5th grade science, today is writing, then oral reading fluency and next week is reading and math. 

Still finalizing staffing for 2024 year. Some adjustments being made to teaching staff and classes. 


President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf - board to vote on updated library series titles purchase (2200 USD) + line item for each semester. Vote passes 90% of staff. Vote for the 2200 library series title purchase passed unanimously. 

Sister Schools relaunch

Sophie Badgett

VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey - vote to make changes passed unanimously. 


Proposal for new Sponsorship packages and pricing for 2024/2025








3 x 2" logo for full year

3 x 2" logo for full year

3 x 2" logo for full year

6x2" Banner on Homepage + 3x2" logo for full year

PawPrint Newsletter Communication

Weekly logo for full year

Weekly logo & 1 advertisement / coupon per year

Weekly logo & 2 advertisement / coupon per year

Weekly Logo & 3 advertisements / coupon per year

Signage at DCES

Your Logo on the DCES PTO "Thank You" Banner

Your Logo on the DCES PTO "Thank You" Banner

Your Logo on the DCES PTO "Thank You" Banner

Individualized "Thank You" Banner



Color Advertisement

Color Advertisement

Facebook Exposure during School Year

2 Facebook posts

3 Facebook posts

Facebook Cover Photo and 4 PTO Facebook posts

Facebook Cover Photo and 5 PTO Facebook posts

Invitation to attend campus events















2024/2025 Pricing











Early Bird Rate





  • Eliminate Diamond-level
  • Raise rates roughly 15% (have not been raised past two years), but provide an “Early Bird” discount of 10% off the new rates for returning sponsors 
  • Craig/Mary, is there a way to do a discount code on Membership toolkit? 
  • Craig/Mary, can we update the online form with the new rates May 1?


Site Council Update

April Beauboeuf


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman

District podcast to showcase Mandarin DLI rolling out in April as well as press article (City Sun Times). Middle school is excited for their upcoming trip to China in 2025. Could be open to 5th graders and above. Naming ceremony happening on April 19th at 9am for 2nd grade ceremony.. 300 dollars requested to support decorations and snacks. Amie will send details for an email vote. 



Lisa Lee

Kristen Easton


Current Chase Checking Account Balance: $116,265.95


Amazing Race numbers:


Expenses - $3,746.92

Donations - $32,825.00

Net Total: $29,078.08


**There are some prizes and misc expenses not included as of 4/2/2024, so the net total will decrease slightly. 

Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

  • vending machine book titles will be presented
  • Information on Gillian Ragan bench will be shared
  • Noah Ayala bench, name added to Gillian’s or separate bench?
  • Kindergarten Buddy day May 3rd- Buddy bags and event details (8:45 Checkin event 9-10:30am) - Laura Weeshoff doing buddy bags. Order coffee and muffins for parents? 

VP of Events

Whitney Graving

Student prizes distributed on Monday 4/1

Breakfast with Melvin for top tier Amazing Race donors- April 26th 

Extra clear tote bags and blue cups (100 bags, 100 cups) - Use for Teacher Appreciation Week?? 


VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone

Blair Geczi

Kimberly Lyons

Teacher Appreciation Week May 6 to 10. A+ celebration is May 9th. 


VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm

Stephanie Sedlak

Casey Magargle 

VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss


A note from Tara to the new board

It is my hope that the future boards will be good stewards of the money the community entrusted in you. This money was donated by aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas and even children. Every year as treasurer, during the Amazing Race, I would get at least one bag of coins from a student and it was always a reminder of how much people were willing to give us no matter how little they had. To me, that means two things. That means we have a responsibility to spend the money and we have a responsibility to spend the money wisely. Those things are not mutually exclusive. In the last few months, I’ve heard someone say at a board meeting “we have lots of money so why does it matter if we are doing it in a cost effective way?” And I’ve seen an email that asked us to distribute very purposely deceptive information about costs to teachers and parents. I’d really like to encourage all of you to point these things out when you see them and to use as much integrity as possible when making all your decisions. Familiarize yourself with the budget and ask Kristen questions. Budgetary concerns are not just treasurer concerns. Being good stewards of the funds entrusted to you is an important part of your role as a board member and I hope you’ll be a board that families can trust. 

Give and accept feedback. Several years ago, Cheyenne PTO tried to move from a volunteer led donation drive to an outside company donation drive. But the families (who should be a huge stakeholder in this decision since it’s money you’re asking from them) were so upset that Cheyenne PTO has gone back to volunteer led ever since. Before the board meeting where we discussed doing the same, I was led to believe that the only reason outside companies were being contacted was for ideas such as a color run and we were still intending to do the Amazing Race as completely volunteer led. It’s important to note that if we had raised the same amount during Amazing Race using Moolah fundraising, they would have taken 35% of our family raised funds. Raising these concerns is not to be taken personally and nobody should walk away from that experience saying “nobody likes my ideas.” If at any point, you are no longer using them, Debbie Blaes would like to have the original Amazing Race materials (binder/format/unused materials etc) for use elsewhere. 

Do not tolerate deceitfulness or a lack of transparency. Call it out. There should be at least 1-2 additional board members cc’ed/invited to all PTO business. Recently, I’ve been left out of a series of emails conducting PTO business that I should have been included on and then they were deleted from the sent email box. Unfortunately, this is something the new board is going to have to be on the lookout for. In this atmosphere, I strongly encourage you to make it a priority to publish all meeting minutes within several days of your board meetings, to have the two required open meetings, and to consider if any communications with families are misleading. This PTO is a 501c3 and nothing should be done in secrecy.

Change is good! But change should be made while understanding how things were done beforehand so that the same mistakes aren’t made over and over again. And integrity and transparency should never be sacrificed in the name of change. As a board member, no matter what job you’ve volunteered to do, it is your job inside the board meeting to speak up and ask questions and to promote clarity when communicating with donors. 


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3/5/2024 8:13 am




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

  • A+ Governing Board Meeting April 9 Recognition
  • Enrollment 411 23-24 school year with 48 Kindergarten 32 Mandarin
  • Kinder Summer Jump Start/Mandarin - More info to come to families
  • Basketball Project is moving along and still projected to be completed by the start of the school year
  • May 10th School A + School of Excellence Celebration 

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf 


Book Vending Machine

5th grade party t-shirts request 

5th grade celebration committee is asking if PTO could vote to cover the cost of the shirts for all fifth graders, so that each child can have a shirt and it can be something inclusive and exciting for all class members. In years past, parents have been asked to contribute money to purchase a shirt for their child. The cost to make this happen would be $934.04.they are  asking for this in addition to the previously allotted party funds.

Yes vote adds $1000 to 5th grade celebrations to cover t-shirts

Current budget is for $1300. Discussion was had about subsidizing the expense and still requesting some expense be covered. ($400)

Motion was made and passed.

Scholastic dollars $8,221

2024 board vote timeline

Voting is being postponed until a Co-President can be established.


Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum


Summer school  options voted and approved. 

BB Court and playground update. 

Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman

Looking for additional help for next year.

Looking into a costume/mascot character for $1700 (Tabled)



Lisa Lee


Chase Account Balance: $105,794.00

Votes via email since last meeting:


  • Color Printer budget increased by $500 for additional funds to cover replacement ink cartridges. -vote passed
  • Increased Campus Improvement budget by $2004 to cover new library signs - vote passes
  • Increased Hospitality budget by $3350 for A+ school wide celebration - vote passed


Library Books WIsh List: The librarian is asking PTO to purchase books to fill popular series and keep them up to date. Unfortunately some series are 1-2 books behind. These will be library bound books, similar to the way we purchased them last summer. The total cost will be about $2500. Last summer, PTO purchased almost $3000 worth of new books to start the school year with. The purchase of the books came out of the Legacy spending bucket. Remaining funds left in the Legacy bucket is $1362. (Tabled)


Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

  • vending machine book titles will be presented
  • Information on Gillian Ragan bench will be shared
  • Will PTO be monitoring the inflatable bouncy house?

VP of Events

Whitney Graving

Amazing Race Update



VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle


VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm



VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey 

VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss

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2/6/2024 12:12 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

  • Enrollment Update Buddy day enrollment in process for April 1, 2024. Flyers out inviting people to Buddy Day, Kinder Round-up and Chinese New Year.

400 mark has been hit without pre-school. 35 kids enrolled for kinder day for fall 2024. (

  • Ballcourt Construction Waiting on city permit. 2 weeks behind schedule but plans to make up lost time. Goal to be ready for next school year.

They are using parking spots instead of crossing the fields which previously caused damage to the irrigation.

  • DCES Charros Teacher Nominations have been already distributed. 3 candidates. Results will be announced tomorrow.
  • CNY Celebration Venue has been moved to the gym. Note to go out to parents to help supervise students to keep everyone safe.

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf


Manecke Looking for a whiteboard and other items for the speech room wall. Needs $350 stipend with annual renewal. Vote passed

SPC PTO Roundtable Meetings

SUSD Family Surveys Hanover Surveys went out yesterday. Request for everyone to complete the survey.

A+ Visit Overall response is that the school is an A+ school. Feedback included notes about groundskeeping and extending lunch times. Strong attendance as school visit. Will know final results by the end of March.


Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum

Summer school proposal

Proposal out to do a summer school program for 60 children from each grade. Vote will take place next month.


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman

Everything is lined up for CNY Celebration. Video will be made with interviews during the event Pictures to be taken for posting and for the yearbook.. Coves have been decorations and items can be reusable for future years.



Lisa Lee

PTO Chase Account Balance: $98,139.67


Vote Needed: In the printing, publications, postage and shipping, we are voting to increase our budget amount. There was a 25th Anniversary sign printed for the board outside of the basketball courts. Also copy paper is needed for printing receipts and forms when committee members are submitting reimbursements. We are looking to increase it by $200 to cover those costs and other signs and flyers needed for upcoming events. Vote was passed


Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

  • 5th Grade Cove Sign still missing - resolved
  • Location of vending machine (near the art/music rooms) 
  • How much money do we have to spend on the vending machine (books)? April to find out # of books needed to fill the machine and sizes required. Pima and Cherokee also have BV machines and might have sizing we can leverage. 
  • How many books are required for each grade level?
  • All books must be approved by Mrs. Merritt in the library.
  • Kindergarten Buddy day- bags for incoming students-White bag with paw sticker on the front and blue tissue- Items in the past have been: Scholastic book from a kinder variety pack (purchased using scholastic dollars), - paw pencil,- paw eraser or those funny erasers that staff and library give out that are multi part and animals or food shaped, welcome to kinder balloon, rubber paw bracelet,  DCES tattoo,  DCES sticker and paw stickers,  paw stamp, tshirt 
  • Welcome pack for newly enrolled students
  • Ink for printer- all colors needed. Extensive budget required to pay for it quarterly. 
  • AR monies


VP of Events

Whitney Graving

Amazing Race - 25 Year Edition! Starts Feb. 12 - March 8th 

Website info sent to Craig and Mary on Feb. 5. Membership Toolkit & Website needed by the launch date of Feb. 12

Planning a Google Doc for parents to submit songs from the ‘90s. Goal is to post on social media by 2/9. 

Amazing Race is going to be held in the DCMS Gym on Tuesday, March 5th ALL school day

Prizes- Nicole will give an update Over Over $5 (Slap bracelets 90s themed) , $50-100 (Pencil Case), $100-200 (Souvenir Cup and Glow Stick) , Ice Den Passes, Breakfast with Melvin and 90s Shirt

Advertisements ready and will be distributed after the CNY.



VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

Cubbies that Care/BHM Activities

Signage w/Image 360

Bench for Gillian Raglan - needs follow up for location (suggested near the middle school/elementary school triangle) . Mrs McCrensky will work with Sophie on the bench design and suggestions for placement, etc. Check on the middle school social studies teacher memorial for reference. 

Cubbies that Care needs a budget. Sophie to share what’s been spent and what is needed. 


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle


VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm



VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey 

VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss


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1/3/2024 12:10 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

  • CORE Construction Basketball Court. Construction has started! Prinicipal letter will go out on 1/ 12 to families. On track to be completed by end of this school year and to open in fall of 2024. Parking might be a bit challenging for dismal in the longer term because of the trucks etc up at that end of the school. Should have electrical to support events once open - and bathrooms!
  • A+ Visit : funding for teacher workroom (small updates). Need to get itemized list. 
  • Signage. Tara to check with Sophie on 5th grade cove signage and also the signs for the exterior and the library. Get the sign invoice from 360 for budget vote and the mock up. Need to check on T&T sign placement (Mrs Mills/Pedro). Would be ideal to get those up prior to the A+ visit on the 26th. 

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf

Celebrations: second semester of the school year!  End of January we will start nominations for the next board positions. Asking all current board members to re-nominate themselves, then will request nominations for committees etc in the spring. Courtney will assist with managing nominations and the process. 

Mid year board update: things achieved and monies fundraised thanks to the generosity of our parent donors and volunteers. Tara/Courtney will send the mid year update within the next 48 hours. 


Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum. (unable to attend)


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman. Working on final details of CNY with Mrs Chen. Certificates from lion dancers have been received. Bonsai Boys COI also confirmed; waiting on Boba Tea truck COI. Help wanted: Canva flyer assistance, reach out to Tara, Nicole or Courtney for that. Staffing for photo booths (sign up genius) and staff snacks. Connect with room parent coordinator (Gretchen Vandegrift) to get room parents to provide snacks. Provide Gretchen’s email to Amie; Amie and Mrs Chen to provide list of snacks/drinks desired. Maybe ask sponsor to provide snacks also. CNY shirts order was placed and should be delivered soon!



Lisa Lee. Working on the tax submission done. Same CPA as last year and we have an extension to file until April 2024. Continue to encourage teachers to submit reimbursements. Ask: what % of teachers have submitted? May 15th is the final cut off for reimbursement submissions. 


Chase Balance: $103,279.99

Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

-Results from AR survey will be shared. 39 teachers responded; majority chose to go with a change in the event and/or format. Older grades want more challenging activities, boredom creates behavioral issues during the event. Feedback from older grade parents was a) less desire to volunteer due to age appropriate activities b) less desire to contribute money as less time left in the school. Need to tie in with upcoming school needs, to create formal urgency (i.e. snack cove areas, hand washing stations, interventionist aides, teacher lounge, a cover for the lower ball court, a kids hang out area or an outdoor classroom). PTO to coordinate survey of teachers on a) what are the right activities and b) what would be good fundraising ideas?  Get suggestions from teachers especially for activities that would resonate with upper grades for the “race” activity. 


-Would PTO be willing to do something to honor Gillian Ragan, the student who passed? Would DCMS and DCES PTO’s consider doing a buddy bench together in her memory? There was a “temporary” memorial done by the middle school but desire to do something more permanent. Follow up with Sophie (VP Campus Improvements) to see if we can get a quote/placement for a bench to commemorate. 

- 5th grade cove sign is still not installed, do we know where it is? Need to follow up with Sophie/Shelley/Pedro. 


VP of Events

Whitney Graving

2024 Fundraiser Race Update: 

Theme: 1990s 

All PTO Board Members are welcome join to discuss and help plan our fundraiser: Paige, Nicole and Whit on 

Thurs. 1/18 at 9am at:  Black Rock Coffee - 10108 E. Bell Rd. 

Can’t make it, but have ideas? Email: events@dcespto.org 

Questions for Admin/Teacher Reps: 

*How can we officially reserve the DCMS gym to hold the fundraiser? Either Thursday, March 7th or Friday, March 8th. Need to connect with middle school admin to understand availability; one day is preferable given other demands on the gym. Need to know how much time for set up also - looks like its open on the 8th but there will be sport practices the evening before (the 7th). Whitney/Nicole to provide time window to Mrs Mills/Scagnelli and cc Shelley. 

*Please create a list of monetary items you would like us to fundraise for and put into action in the 2024-2025 school year. What does the campus need (fake grass near the cafeteria)? What do teachers want or need? **We need to create achievable goals.**

Our committee wants to share with DCES families how their monetary contributions will be put to use in the upcoming school year. Please submit a list by : Friday, January 19th 

Email: whit.graving@gmail.com OR events@dcespto.org 


VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle

A Plus Committee -Breakfast/Lunch Etc…

Chili Cook Off - Jan 26. Where is the winner’s trophy? 


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12/5/2023 12:07 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

Enrollment Update: moving along nicely. Kinder at 24 for enrollment; 18 interested/enrolled in Mandarin in addition to the regular kinder enrolled. Lots of discussion from middle school with the open Mandarin position. Ms Zhu will go to support the DCMS program during her win block, two days a week starting Dec 5th, to support the 6th grade students. Hoping for a winter recruitment from teacher pool. 

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf


Pies for staff!

Holiday Shop! - 1.7k raised for the school. 

Movie Night! - vending truck location, have them facing differently if we do it next year so they can leave before the movie ends if necessary. 

Sponsorship banner looks great!


Question about north gate bulletin board - campus improvement? 


I have stools but need time/help assembling. Aprillbe - will text Tara to provide some help potentially. 


Recess equipment? High heat room re-orders? Put high heat equipment on back burner until weather gets warmer. 


Sandwich boards for front office. 

From Shelley: I placed an order with Amazon weeks ago for 3 sandwich board signs so that we can post important items outside of school.  Unfortunately, purchasing rejected my order and did not let me know why.

Would it be possible for the PTO to purchase those boards for us?  They cost approximately $50 each and would be most helpful for our announcements.

Vote for $200 to add to campus improvements bucket for sandwich board signs for Shelley. Vote passed unanimously to fund the signs. 

Book vending machine has arrived! Received 8,221 dollars from Scholastic book fair. Can we use a portion of the funds for the machine and a portion of the funds for the teachers? Mrs Mcrensky’s feedback was that teachers have had other opportunities to get books this year but would be supportive of allocating to the book vending machine. 


Website updates - mostly needed from events/


We have received the book vending machine. We have also gotten $8221 in scholastic funds. Normally, we give this to teachers and have some left over at the end of the year. Are we open to using some of them to put books in the book vending machine? If so, we will work with Mrs Merritt and teachers on what books can be from scholastic and how much that will cost


Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum. Next meeting is in January. Basketball court if approved by the school board in December will see work completed by end of the school year. Attendance contracts in each grade, Spreading positive social media messaging for the school via Niche, Great Schools, etc. Follow up on comms principle with Courtney. 


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman. Kinder round up in January will have Mandarin focus. Other schools use student ambassadors for tours, etc. Looking at more resources for prospective students. CNY shirts are going to be posted on the website very shortly. Ask from platinum sponsor about CNY (Amie will follow up). 


Lisa Lee


Chase Account Balance: $111,830.08


Successful Holiday Shop:


Total Sales: $9,623.00 (we keep  20% of this total)


After reimbursement for decorations and 80% back to the company, we had a net profit of $1,734.62.


Scholastic Book Fair Totals:


Total Sales: $2981.00


Total Paid to Scholastic: $2,998.77


PTO reported a loss of $17.77


Vote Passed:


-Create a new bucket for cash needed for cash boxes at events for bookkeeping purposes. The proposed amount of $1,000 was passed.


-$700 addition to the campus improvements bucket passed. This was for the swivel chairs for teachers.

Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky


the school spelling bee is on Thursday 12/7 at 2 pm, not 12/1. 3rd through 5th grades. Mrs Mendelsohn will take on doing the spelling bee in CY2024. 


Also, a few teachers have said they don’t want another CNY t-shirt because they have the one from last year. I tried to explain that it’s a different year. I hate to have you spend the money if they won’t be worn. Mrs Mills will address at teacher staff meeting on 12/6. 

VP of Events

Whitney Graving

**After Admin., Teacher Reps, and PTO President updates……Paige and Whitney would like to jump in and share their Amazing Race Presentation, which focuses on using an outside company, Moolah Fundraising to host the Amazing Race in 2024 (only). 


Fundraiser lasts two weeks, possible options of color run and/or fun run. Moolah fundraising would waive one time fee associated with color/glow run for first-time customer. Teacher feedback: there is burn out from kids and teachers from AR. Could be useful to generate something new, to drive up higher value? Worth trying once to see? The games and the format are repetitive. 

Tara: we have a huge volunteer community, Parents want to see money going directly to the school, not necessarily to a paid company. Branding would need a reboot if we decide to go this route. 

Mrs Mills: is the purpose to provide an experience for the students or to fund raise? Or both? Need to be careful of volunteer burn out also. Is it worth taking a break to revamp the concept? What is the purpose of the event? Do we need to secure additional feedback from teachers, parents, volunteers? 

We would need to vote as a board on this concept by Monday Dec 11. 

Amie: not possible to make tax deductible donations. Parents need to request however the tax deductible donation from the membership toolkit. 


VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett


*Could we please discuss fixing or replacing the bulletin board near the North Gate? Sarah Crawford covered it with a 25-year logo for the movie night, which looked great but was short-lived because the cork is so degraded that it wouldn’t hold the pushpins. The plexiglass on the boards by the front office needs to be replaced as well, as it is so yellowed that it’s almost opaque. Is there another one near the South Gate that also needs to be looked at? I think we should look at using some of our excess funds to fix or replace these boards. - Nicole


Mike French at Signs of Life, could do a mural in Janiuary 2024.. Timeline/cost is TBD. Need to connect with Mrs Sparks on design, placement. 


Library signage - Image360 coming on 12/6. Can they also look at the Teacher Workroom to see for signage and logo needs? Sophie to email to find out timelines for putting up signage etc. 

New Melvin! Base price is 4300 USD. Can add on cooling nests, extra hands and feet, carry bag. 5’7 to 6’1 height. May need to adjust sizing for height (5’5 to 6’1). 9-11 week lead time; if necessary we could also order from Amazon as a back up (just under 400 USD). 


5th grade cove sign will be picked up 12/6. Needs to be re-hung. Sophie needs Pedro’s email address. Rock Garden sign sitting in the PTO closet? Need to find out where it is and get it rehung. Is Mrs Sparks going to remove and re-paint the rocks? 


VP of Hospitality


Thanksgiving Pies was a success! 

Holiday Raffle Basket for Staff/Teachers will be given out the week before break

Vote for Funds for the A Plus Committee $4,200


Breakout the funding ask. 1,000k for initial visit. If A+ is secured, then make subsequent funding request. 


Tour Acceptance Teacher/Staff Treats - Bundt Cake


Swag School Items, personalized parking spot covers, decorations, tumblers, coffee mugs,etc


Site Visit - January 23rd (5 People)


Coffee & Light Breakfast ($12 per person) 


Drinks & Snacks


Lunch & Dessert  $20 per person


Site Visit - January 24th  (5 people)


Coffee & Light Breakfast


Drinks & Snacks


After Committee Approves School


Teacher/Staff Celebration Lunch/Drinks (65 people)


Teacher/Staff Swag Bag (65 people) -T-shirts, etc


School wide  TBD






Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle


VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm



VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey


To investigate banner on pick up lane as it seems to be hanging a little oddly. 





















































































VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss

Read More


11/7/2023 12:05 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 

Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

DCES Letter Grade Presentation:

 our school went down to a B. Missed the A by 2.43 points. Chronic absenteeism impacted our grade; the kids missing out are also the ones not performing as well on the tests. Chronic absenteeism has jumped significantly in the last two years; a committee has been formed with PBIS to address the issue. Focus now on A+ visit in January. 

Basketball Court Update:

 going to the governing board for approval in December; goal is to get the changes done before the end of the school year. Board has to approve the contract, vendors, etc. 

Kinder Round Up - 

first tour (about 16 parents), next one in January then in the spring. 25 year aerial photo using the Mandarin 25 symbol. Veterans Day event Thursday. Open only for parents in grades K-1, and veterans. 

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf




    Discussion about next year having a different setup and having adults or boy scouts volunteer to assist with some of the rides. Also, the carnival fell on the same date as Cheyenne this year and we will want to make sure to avoid double booking in the future.

    Cubbies that care made $374 off of bracelets made at the carnival. 


Book Fair

     $2900 deposited before money sharing. 


Recess equipment input


Today’s the last day to hand in override ballots. We hope our dedicated email and newsletters helped keep Scottsdale funding. 


Can we let parents know about the nutrition services thanksgiving celebration? If so, can we get a lunch schedule? Do we need to rsvp so Tina is prepared?


Several of the parents that I’ve asked were not aware that their students were supposed to wear blue tomorrow. What method was that communicated through?

This was sent out in a message to everyone at 3:15pm today


Per spirit wear on pajama pants:

We've run into a few hurdles regarding the flannel pajama pant request for the teachers. The color combination we wanted has been out of stock the last month and we haven't been able to find something that matches our school colors as well. I looked at other websites that handle spiritwear but the cost seems ridiculous. I'm not sure what you were budgeting per pair of pants but when you order the pants and have a simple DCES printed on the front side it bumps up the cost to $28-30/ pair before taxes.

  • So. We might need to scrap the pajama pants project. Another option might be doing CNY t-shirts out of that bucket instead but I’d like to know that the teachers want them and how much that might cost too and what the board thinks
  • Teachers will get more feedback on the Chinese New Year shirt. Color options to be explored. Yellow may be a challenging wearable color. Symbolism of colors will play a role in the main shirt color and making sure the design is visible with the background color. Possible black, navy blue or red background discussed. Will confirm with Ms Chen
  • Board voted unanimously to convert the funding for pajama pants to Chinese New Year Shirts

Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum. Next meeting is in January. 


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman.

Review/Vote Budget Items for Mandarin Programs


CNY - Feb 9


Costumes for Staff


2nd grade 40 costumes

Food Truck - Bonsai Boys



Food Truck - Boba



PTO Booth


Possibly Lion Dancers Photo Booth for hashtag contest ( Grand entrance / Photo package)



Art Teacher Doing This

Lion Dancers


For 2 ($700 cost + $100 tips)

TShirt Design



TShirts - Staff


Estimate Or For Volunteers?

CNY Flyer - Design



CNY Flyer - Printing


Color Printing Estimate?

Snacks for Staff


Estimate; Will try to get donations from room moms & rest

Red Envelopes/Chocolate


Is Ms. Chen providing this, we fund ($300-$400)

Calligraphy Station


Ms.Chen providing this

Dragon Station


Ms. Chen providing this


Info Session Jan 30


Flyer Designs



Flyer Printing





District Videographer


Naming Ceremony 4/19/24




Will ask if front office can do color printing

Certificates + Folders


Ms. Chen will find out



Balloon Arch Estimate?

Breakfast for Parents


Room Mom Donations?








Budget with the tshirt increase is $3230.


Motion made to increase Mandarin Special Event budget by $1200 to use judiciously. Vote was passed by majority.



Lisa Lee


-Chase Account Balance: $103,132.24


-Vote Passed by email: 10/30/2023:


-The movie night crew currently had a budget of $1800 and asked the board to vote on adding $1258 for a total budget of $3058. This will cover additional security that is needed to have it on the fields behind the basketball courts on the elementary campus and lights rental that we don’t use in the smaller amphitheater venue (where we’ve held movie night in the past). VOTE PASSED 



Expenses: $10,863.80

Income from ticket and raffle ticket sales: $7,706.50

Difference of $3,157.30

Notes for next year: more parental volunteers to assist at bouncy houses, making sure older kids are not overrunning younger kids. Try with Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts to use as volunteers. 

Cubbies that Care also had a booth at the Carnival - made 374 dollars. 

Think about RBF (results based funding). 

Waiting on Book Fair numbers still from Scholastic. 

Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

~ What’s the status on PJ’s? 

Already spoken on earlier


Gathering quotes on chairs and following up on chair totals. 


VP of Events

Whitney Graving

-Thank you Carnival Committee Members - Dina Engler & Kiki Dupey. You hit it out of the ball park with a fantastic Carnival!! 

-25 year Anniversary Movie Night: “A Bug’s Life” will be shown at the DCES Baseball field (north side of school) on Dec 1, 2023 from 5-8pm. Food trucks will be present. I am working closely with Lisa M. at the district to get the event approved. Come join the fun as we celebrate DCES turning 25 years old! It is open to the public. Let’s spread the word 😀 Harkins popcorn truck, Koney Dogs and other food trucks will be present. Open to the public


-Amazing Race 2024: Theme is SPORTS!  **Staff Involvement: One or 2 weeks before the Amazing Race, we want to “highlight” teachers on the AM Announcements who either currently play a sport, or did back in the day. Looking for photographs of teachers/staff playing sports either now or when they played (a sport) as a  kid! “Can you guess who this is….?” OR “Look at Mr/Ms./Coach and the sport they are playing Now!”   Please email:  events@dcespto.org with a photo and a super short blurb or brief information that you would like to share on the morning announcements in February. THANK YOU DCES TEACHERS AND STAFF!

Prizes being discussed and options compiled.

VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

Looking for a replacement Melvin (Ideally before January A+ review). 


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle

-Veteran’s Day Program Nov 9  

Snacks and coffee being brought in

-Thanksgiving Pies for Teachers/Staff Nov 21st

Pie drive to start signup this week. Delivery the tuesday of Thanksgiving. Teachers prefer store bought pies

VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm



VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey


13 sponsors now. Preparing to get banners ready.


VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss

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10/4/2023 12:02 pm



Read More


9/6/2023 11:57 am




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary (Absent)

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 


Absent: Adam Cusimano


Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

First Responders Event - now occurring September 27th due to the high heat advisory. Moving ROAR assembly to week of October 2nd.

Campus Improvements. Will make changes to primary playground. Building shade structure and taking out second swing set; making it turf and an area for the kids to run. May not occur until after the ball court work is completed. Ball court work is hoping to start in October but diagram is having to be redone due to irrigation requirements. 

A + Application. Submitted last week of August! Teachers have been working on it since the end of May. Committee will review end of September and school finds out if they move on to a visit in October; if the visit isn’t next step then feedback will be provided (for re-application the following year). 

Attendance. District wide focus on attendance, at DCES PTO may need to connect with PBIS committee also to find more ways to remind and encourage parents to make sure their kids attend school every day. 95% average attendance rate, goal is 96% for the school.  


President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf


2023 SUSD Override - paying for people (former override paid for things). 


Yes vote for Sophie Badgett to replace Ellen as VP Campus Improvements via email passed on 8/21/23. Sophie introduced to the board!


Change in date for first responders event from 9/8 to 9/27


Weekly email newsletters go out on Tuesdays. Please email Courtney with any information you’d like to have included in our newsletters before then.


Q for teacher reps from spiritwear: How do teachers want spirit wear delivered to their classroom? Per Katie: There isn't really space to put something in their mailbox and the campus it's basically only open during school hours so my thought is they would prefer to have spirit wear delivered before school starts but if they have a different preference I could accommodate. Response (MCaramucci): just put outside the teacher door, the kids can pick it up at the end of the day. 

School calendars are being reviewed on the 12th of September and Mrs Mills/Mrs Scagnelli will re-issue with some updates. 

Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum. First meeting will occur end of September. Still need reps for K1, 2, and 3. Google Form online under school website. 


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman. Still working on plans for Chinese New Year. Connected with middle school PTO on a lion dance for the new year celebration, trying to figure out if we can split costs with them? Will raise at SPC the lack of district marketing for Dual Immersion learning. Mrs Mills and Mr Akhbari met with Kristine Harrington to discuss how to further market selected school events (Vet Day, 25 Year Celebration and Chinese New Year). Using the school website more for marketing, as opposed to as a parent tool. 



Lisa Lee


-Chase Checking Account Balance: $91,823.85


**Vote needed: budget items***


The garden needs new drip lines. Tina has found a company that can do the job for $600 + a bronze level sponsorship. Question on whether or not to move ahead with the vote based on multi-vendor asks; aprillbe emailed Tina to ask for clarity on drip line repair costs. Vote to add 600 dollars to budget (under campus improvements) passed by majority. 



Since the cost is not ongoing, it will go in the campus improvements bucket (on a side note, she needs to fill the garden and possibly line the garden with plastic, but we don’t have a cost for those yet and we’d like to move on the drip lines since that’s set up, but these are also not ongoing - tilling happened every 3-5 years) Vote yes/no to add $600 to the campus improvements bucket to replace garden zip lines. 

Budget items APPROVED via email since last meeting


Yes vote for carnival to increase their spending budget by $1000 from $10k to $11,000 passed on 8/11/23 via email

Yes vote for increase to teacher reimbursements from $10,000 to $10,400, this doesn’t include special area as they have their own budget bucket. We have 24 K-5 teachers and 2 pre-school teachers. K-5 teachers receive $400 from PTO and preschool teachers receive $200. We would like to balance that out and everyone will receive $400. With that said, we will have increase our budget to $10,400, an increase of $400. So we are asking all of you to respond yes or no, to approve a $400 increase in the teacher reimbursement budget - raising it from $10,000 to $10,400. Passed 8/20/2023 via email

Yes to increase our specials reimbursement budget from $4,825 to $5700,  -  a $875 increase in the special areas/support staff reimbursement budget - raising it from $4,825 to $5,700 passed on 8/29/23 via email



Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

  1. 5th is missing their cove sign, I was told that PTO purchased the original signs. Can we get a replacement? Maybe replace all of them? Some are sun damaged, faded. Sophie to connect with Mrs McCrensky on sign needs and requirements. Also need to replace U Rock sign from the garden (Sophie to own). 
  2. Was a style of PJs ever decided on for staff? No follow up email ever came out so we could survey staff. Teachers to vote on 09/06. 


VP of Events

Whitney Graving

  • 25 year Anniversary Movie Night: 12/1/23. We have 2 food trucks and looking for a 3rd option. Swank movie license approved for “A Bugs Life.”  Sports field reservation - work in progress with the city and the district. Nicole: Lou Malnati’s has reached out to VP sponsorship with food truck option to support events. Could also ask Birdcall to support. 
  • Carnival in November: 
  • Butter Braids fundraiser: Kicks off on 9/18 and ends on 10/2. Butter braids will be delivered to school on 10/19. Table to set up outside with samples one day next week. Connect with Courtney on social media, newsletter, email Room Parent Coordinator, Hospitality, and put on morning announcements. Flyers to be hung around campus too. Order forms will be given to teachers next week to put in student Friday folders on 9/15. Will be delivered in mid October. Mary/Craig: can post on the website also. 


VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

  • Scope.  Aprillbe to email Craig/Mary to set up VP of Campus Improvements account. 
  • Mural. Tina Chu also had some ideas for a mural. 
  • Budget. 


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle

  • First Responders Event 9/27. 
  • Room parents can use sign up genius; teachers cannot as there is functionality already present on ParentSquare. 


VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm

  • Recycling used/good condition Spiritwear for teacher’s discretion? Would it be helpful.MrsMcCrensky: could be a good idea for younger grades. Give teachers access to stock, to use at their discretion. Mrs Mills suggested giving good condition spirit wear to our social worker Luz DiClenno as she knows families that would have a need. 


VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey

  • PTO Sponsors on Webpage - Please add Code Ninjas (new logo) to the PTO webpage. 
  • New Potential Sponsors 
    • NikkiB Realty
    • Landscaping company doing garden dripline, Bronze level sponsorship in exchange for discount 
  • Replace “Hole Sponsorship” with individual sponsor banner in pickup/dropoff lane for Gold+ packages starting next year.MCaramucci suggested a flap in the banner to avoid need to use zip ties. 

VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss

Read More


8/8/2023 7:46 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schram, VP Communications

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Lindsay Deacon, Teacher Representatives

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality


Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli


President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf

High Heat Rooms - status update. 

Enrollment update


Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman

  • CNY  - Year of the Dragon
    • School Celebration - Fri 2/9/2024 in Gym
    • Planning in progress
    • Possible student design/art contest for t-shirt?
  • Advertising/Marketing for next year’s incoming Mandarin class
    • Work with Global Minds, bringing flyers/invitations to our open community events
      • Carnival in November, 25 yr celebration Dec1, CNY 2/9, others?


Lisa Lee


Vote Needed: 


There was a vote via email to assist the library in purchasing a set of new books for $4000 and it passed on 6/15/2023. Payment was submitted on 6/30/2023. The vendor does not charge the credit card until the books are shipped. A portion of the books have shipped and it has been posted on the account. So therefore the charge for the books didn’t show up on the 22-23 fiscal year. It will have to be included in the new fiscal year. So this vote is to simply allow us to include the amount for the books in the new fiscal year under the legacy spending bucket of the budget.

Vote for $400 for tattoos for 25 year committee to add to budget PTO special events bucket 

Budget items APPROVED via email since last meeting from 23/24 Budget


High heat rooms. Total budget of $1500 to equip two rooms (one in the library and one adjacent to the middle school gym) with games, crafts, and activities that involve movement (and storage for these items) for days when it is too hot to be outside for lunch recess. Additionally, Mrs Mills will be setting up signups for teachers to be able to use these rooms outside of lunch recess for other recesses through the high heat days if needed. 

YES via email 7/20/23 to add $1500 to the campus improvements budget. 


Car lane signs. Last year, we approved an ongoing budget to cover signs that identify students in the car pickup lane to help that process go quickly. Unfortunately, we forgot to add that line item when we asked for the full budget approval for this year. So it needs to be approved on its own. We are asking for $200 because we spent $140 last year and we are making a buffer for a possible reorder/inflation. 

YES via email 7/20/23 to create a new line item budget for “car lane signs” for $200.


DCES staff t-shirts. $500 request for additional budget for the DCES staff t-shirts because this year, the shirt is double sided and there are also more staff included in the purchase order, compared to years previous. Total cost for this portion $1649.47 (Some funds remain for pajama pants which have not yet been purchased and we’re approved at the end of last school year)

YES via email 7/8/23 to increase line item “staff t-shirts” by $500 from $2500 to $3000


Budget items APPROVED via email since last meeting from LAST YEAR’S Budget:


Library Books. Mrs. Merritt has requested that PTO assist in purchasing a new set of books for the school library. A yes vote will allow us to increase the Legacy spending budget to $4,000 to cover the cost and any extra fees or taxes. The books will be purchased by June 30th to arrive at school in early Fall for our kiddos to check out and enjoy. This will be part of the 22/23 year’s budget. It will not affect the 23/24 budget

YES via email 6/15/23 to increase the legacy budget from $0 to $4000


Neighborhood flyer.The communications committee has been working on a flyer that we are hoping to fund through the PTO, as a supplement to the school's marketing efforts. This is a unique one time budget proposal to help the school target the low current kinder enrollment (confirmed by principal Mills) We are hoping to create more buzz with the MMR neighborhood and beyond. As you know AZ is an open enrollment state-- so we would love to help spread awareness of what sets DCES apart from other local choices --especially during this crucial enrollment period. We are hoping to check in on the analytics during distribution as the QR code goes to the DCES website-- we have added in PTO information as a point of contact as well.The expense estimate we are proposing is as follows:

2,000 printed flyers = $500 (tax is included)

The cost to mail 1,572 mailers to 2 targeted routes at MMR = $300 

We will have 400 extra printed pieces that we can all decide where to hand deliver. For a total of $800

YES via email 6/13/23 to increase “printing, publications, and postage” budget by $800 to cover marketing postcards to send via email


Printing Budget. Vote to increase the Printing, Publications, and Postage budget by $400.00 to cover the Spring printing cost fees due to an increase in events happening and needing more advertising for these events.

YES via email 5/30/23 to increase “printing, publications, and postage” budget by $400

Pre-K Containers. DCES Pre-K teachers are in urgent need of containers to meet storage requirements for certain classroom materials. The cost is $430.00

YES via email 5/8/23 to increase teacher reimbursement for Chapman/Goetz by $430 for 22/23 budget only


Lindsay Deacon/Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

Vote for 3rd teacher representative-Jamie McCrensky

YES via email 7/20/23

VP of Events

Whitney Graving

KTR Fundraiser - Friday, 8/11 from 5-7pm. Jump passes are $17 per jumper (normally $22)  Let’s spread the word! 

Handel’s Family Fun Night is on October 4th from 2-8pm. (Flyer is made and will be emailed in Sept)

Amazing Race Co-Chairs: Paige Miller-Blum and Whitney Graving 


PHX Suns fundraiser/event - group discussion. 

VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle


VP of Communications

Courtney Schram


VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey

VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss


Read More


5/8/2023 5:24 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Ellen Snyder VP Special Projects/Campus Improvements

Courtney Schram, VP Communications

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Colleen Love, Vice Principal

Mrs. Deacon, Teacher Representatives

Mrs Caramucci, Teacher representative



Paige Miller-Blum, site council liaison

Laura Weeshoff, VP Communications

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising



Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 3:43pm by Tara McConnell



Principal Update
Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Love

  •                 Kinder Buddy Day

A portion of the $60,000 collected from the Amazing RACE has been allocated based on the success of the event.

  •                 Site Council Budget

$20,000 budget spent. (pending district approval of PO for book vending machine). Site council typically funds playground equipment, field trips, coach buses, etc.

  •                 AP hiring process
  • AP hiring process ongoing; candidate interviews occurring on 5/9.
    Second round to take place next
  •                 Summer School
  •                 Color printer installed in teacher workroom



President Update
Tara McConnell
April Beauboeuf


Lisa Lee

Chase Balance:$127,308

2 Votes Passed: Due to the increase in the number of pages we needed for the yearbook 5th grade

dedications, the book itself went up in price. Both votes passed to increase the budget by $1050.00,

bringing it to $11.050.


A motion was made to move forward with the butterbraids fundraiser in the fall. The motion passed unanimously. The cookies fundraiser option was tabled.

A motion was made to hold the Holiday Shop again next school year. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made to remove Paypal from the budget given the switch to Lumapay for a third party payment option. The motion was passed unanimously.

A motion was made to include pajama pants in the spirit wear option next year. The motion passed by majority.

A motion was made to increase the hospitality budget for next year to $6000 based on the increase in events and inflation of material costs. The motion passed unanimously.

A note was made regarding a request by the librarian for books in the fall; needing $3500. No vote was taken.

Scholastic BOGO Book Fair: We had a net profit of $260.35.



Site Council Update
Paige Miller-Blum


VP Communications

Courtney Schram

Laura Weeshoff

25 yr logo

Are there any teachers that volunteered for the 25 year committee? Emily and Krista will help.

Haven't received any other interest.



VP Fundraising/Sponsorships
Nicole Carey




Mrs. Deacon/Mrs. Caramucci

  •                       Mural

Funds from the Amazing Race will be contributed to the mural costs (possibly a portion of the $60,000 collected from the Amazing RACE has been allocated to pay for mural costs, based on the success of the event).

A 25th Anniversary theme was suggested for the mural with student participation in the process. (Paint by number or tiles) Discussion continued about the location of the mural and whether it would be painted directly on the building surface or have metal/wood installed to better adhere to. Ellen Snyder will reach out to mural artists for research and concepts. A committee of Ellen Snyder, Colleen Love, and Ms. Sparks was established to review the possibilities for a mural and will report back to the board.


  •                       Cool down/rainy day rooms

Discussion about items and stations for the rooms consisted of reading, !egos, and quieter items (games, crayons/pencils, and puzzles). Space will be confirmed by Mrs. Deacon and Ellen Snyder. Existing tables and chairs will stay in the room. Discussion continued about the potential for more movement class rotation in the room(s) to ensure more opportunity.

  •                       Teacher anniversary committee interest
  • ·                       Exceptional PTO Budget Requests: 

Motion was made to utilize PTO budget to fund both Athletes in Training and the Be Kind program for 2023. The motion for AIT passed unanimously; the motion for Be Kind passed by majority in favor. The PTO was asked to pick up these costs so that the school funds could pay for the on-site social worker (Mrs Loiacono). Note: the district has since been able to pick up costs for school social workers.

  •                       Summer clean up event
  •                       Containers request for preschool/prek
  •                       Motion was made to approve $400 expense. Motion was approved by majority vote.
  •                       Gifted Budget

Motion was made for $400 budget for books (teacher classroom materials request). There was no vote and the motion was tabled. April Beauboeuf is following up with the district gifted coordinator to get clarity; Tara McConnell also proposed reaching out to the teacher in question to get additional context.

VP Technology

Mary alley
Craig Doss

  •       Working on login for hospitality account
  •       Working with GoDaddy on logins



VP of Events

Whitney Graving

Fiesta Update: Update on Fiesta (45 tickets sold as of Saturday), silent auction and raffle. $40/person

Raffle Baskets Made!!

Silent Auction: adding Nothing Bundt Cakes. May extend based on upcoming May 14th end date.


Events Calendar


Major Events and their months:


Meet the teacher

Boohoo Yahoo

Welcome Back at Peter Piper

Curriculum Night


Back to School Bash - 90s theme for 25 year anniversary


Birthday Book Club

Book Fair

Pickle Ball Tournament?


(School has Veteran's Assembly and Turkey Trot) Amazing Race or Tax Credit Fundraiser Carnival or Pickle Tourn?


Chili Cook off?

Pickle Ball Tournament?


Late jan - AR kick off? Or tax credit fundraiser

Fun Run? 25 year anniversary


Amazing Race days - mid feb?

(want space between AR and tax credit fundraiser and field day)


(School has Field Day)

Pickle ball tourn? Or Fun Run?


Kentucky Derby Gala

(Fine Art night) / 1 night of BOGO




VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements 

Ellen Snyder


  •       No update


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone/ Casey Magargle


  •       No Update


Read More