2/6/2024 12:12 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 



Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

  • Enrollment Update Buddy day enrollment in process for April 1, 2024. Flyers out inviting people to Buddy Day, Kinder Round-up and Chinese New Year.

400 mark has been hit without pre-school. 35 kids enrolled for kinder day for fall 2024. (

  • Ballcourt Construction Waiting on city permit. 2 weeks behind schedule but plans to make up lost time. Goal to be ready for next school year.

They are using parking spots instead of crossing the fields which previously caused damage to the irrigation.

  • DCES Charros Teacher Nominations have been already distributed. 3 candidates. Results will be announced tomorrow.
  • CNY Celebration Venue has been moved to the gym. Note to go out to parents to help supervise students to keep everyone safe.

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf


Manecke Looking for a whiteboard and other items for the speech room wall. Needs $350 stipend with annual renewal. Vote passed

SPC PTO Roundtable Meetings

SUSD Family Surveys Hanover Surveys went out yesterday. Request for everyone to complete the survey.

A+ Visit Overall response is that the school is an A+ school. Feedback included notes about groundskeeping and extending lunch times. Strong attendance as school visit. Will know final results by the end of March.


Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum

Summer school proposal

Proposal out to do a summer school program for 60 children from each grade. Vote will take place next month.


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman

Everything is lined up for CNY Celebration. Video will be made with interviews during the event Pictures to be taken for posting and for the yearbook.. Coves have been decorations and items can be reusable for future years.



Lisa Lee

PTO Chase Account Balance: $98,139.67


Vote Needed: In the printing, publications, postage and shipping, we are voting to increase our budget amount. There was a 25th Anniversary sign printed for the board outside of the basketball courts. Also copy paper is needed for printing receipts and forms when committee members are submitting reimbursements. We are looking to increase it by $200 to cover those costs and other signs and flyers needed for upcoming events. Vote was passed


Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

  • 5th Grade Cove Sign still missing - resolved
  • Location of vending machine (near the art/music rooms) 
  • How much money do we have to spend on the vending machine (books)? April to find out # of books needed to fill the machine and sizes required. Pima and Cherokee also have BV machines and might have sizing we can leverage. 
  • How many books are required for each grade level?
  • All books must be approved by Mrs. Merritt in the library.
  • Kindergarten Buddy day- bags for incoming students-White bag with paw sticker on the front and blue tissue- Items in the past have been: Scholastic book from a kinder variety pack (purchased using scholastic dollars), - paw pencil,- paw eraser or those funny erasers that staff and library give out that are multi part and animals or food shaped, welcome to kinder balloon, rubber paw bracelet,  DCES tattoo,  DCES sticker and paw stickers,  paw stamp, tshirt 
  • Welcome pack for newly enrolled students
  • Ink for printer- all colors needed. Extensive budget required to pay for it quarterly. 
  • AR monies


VP of Events

Whitney Graving

Amazing Race - 25 Year Edition! Starts Feb. 12 - March 8th 

Website info sent to Craig and Mary on Feb. 5. Membership Toolkit & Website needed by the launch date of Feb. 12

Planning a Google Doc for parents to submit songs from the ‘90s. Goal is to post on social media by 2/9. 

Amazing Race is going to be held in the DCMS Gym on Tuesday, March 5th ALL school day

Prizes- Nicole will give an update Over Over $5 (Slap bracelets 90s themed) , $50-100 (Pencil Case), $100-200 (Souvenir Cup and Glow Stick) , Ice Den Passes, Breakfast with Melvin and 90s Shirt

Advertisements ready and will be distributed after the CNY.



VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

Cubbies that Care/BHM Activities

Signage w/Image 360

Bench for Gillian Raglan - needs follow up for location (suggested near the middle school/elementary school triangle) . Mrs McCrensky will work with Sophie on the bench design and suggestions for placement, etc. Check on the middle school social studies teacher memorial for reference. 

Cubbies that Care needs a budget. Sophie to share what’s been spent and what is needed. 


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle


VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm



VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey 

VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss