11/7/2023 12:05 pm




Tara McConnell, Co President 

April Beauboeuf, Co President

Adam Cusimano, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Nicole Carey, VP of Fundraising

Courtney Schramm, VP Communications

Sophie Badgett, VP Campus Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Craig Doss, VP Technology

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Whitney Graving, VP of Events

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Paige Miller-Blum, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative 

Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Scagnelli

DCES Letter Grade Presentation:

 our school went down to a B. Missed the A by 2.43 points. Chronic absenteeism impacted our grade; the kids missing out are also the ones not performing as well on the tests. Chronic absenteeism has jumped significantly in the last two years; a committee has been formed with PBIS to address the issue. Focus now on A+ visit in January. 

Basketball Court Update:

 going to the governing board for approval in December; goal is to get the changes done before the end of the school year. Board has to approve the contract, vendors, etc. 

Kinder Round Up - 

first tour (about 16 parents), next one in January then in the spring. 25 year aerial photo using the Mandarin 25 symbol. Veterans Day event Thursday. Open only for parents in grades K-1, and veterans. 

President Update

Tara McConnell

April Beauboeuf




    Discussion about next year having a different setup and having adults or boy scouts volunteer to assist with some of the rides. Also, the carnival fell on the same date as Cheyenne this year and we will want to make sure to avoid double booking in the future.

    Cubbies that care made $374 off of bracelets made at the carnival. 


Book Fair

     $2900 deposited before money sharing. 


Recess equipment input


Today’s the last day to hand in override ballots. We hope our dedicated email and newsletters helped keep Scottsdale funding. 


Can we let parents know about the nutrition services thanksgiving celebration? If so, can we get a lunch schedule? Do we need to rsvp so Tina is prepared?


Several of the parents that I’ve asked were not aware that their students were supposed to wear blue tomorrow. What method was that communicated through?

This was sent out in a message to everyone at 3:15pm today


Per spirit wear on pajama pants:

We've run into a few hurdles regarding the flannel pajama pant request for the teachers. The color combination we wanted has been out of stock the last month and we haven't been able to find something that matches our school colors as well. I looked at other websites that handle spiritwear but the cost seems ridiculous. I'm not sure what you were budgeting per pair of pants but when you order the pants and have a simple DCES printed on the front side it bumps up the cost to $28-30/ pair before taxes.

  • So. We might need to scrap the pajama pants project. Another option might be doing CNY t-shirts out of that bucket instead but I’d like to know that the teachers want them and how much that might cost too and what the board thinks
  • Teachers will get more feedback on the Chinese New Year shirt. Color options to be explored. Yellow may be a challenging wearable color. Symbolism of colors will play a role in the main shirt color and making sure the design is visible with the background color. Possible black, navy blue or red background discussed. Will confirm with Ms Chen
  • Board voted unanimously to convert the funding for pajama pants to Chinese New Year Shirts

Site Council Update

Paige Miller-Blum. Next meeting is in January. 


Mandarin Rep update

Amie Hegeman.

Review/Vote Budget Items for Mandarin Programs


CNY - Feb 9


Costumes for Staff


2nd grade 40 costumes

Food Truck - Bonsai Boys



Food Truck - Boba



PTO Booth


Possibly Lion Dancers Photo Booth for hashtag contest ( Grand entrance / Photo package)



Art Teacher Doing This

Lion Dancers


For 2 ($700 cost + $100 tips)

TShirt Design



TShirts - Staff


Estimate Or For Volunteers?

CNY Flyer - Design



CNY Flyer - Printing


Color Printing Estimate?

Snacks for Staff


Estimate; Will try to get donations from room moms & rest

Red Envelopes/Chocolate


Is Ms. Chen providing this, we fund ($300-$400)

Calligraphy Station


Ms.Chen providing this

Dragon Station


Ms. Chen providing this


Info Session Jan 30


Flyer Designs



Flyer Printing





District Videographer


Naming Ceremony 4/19/24




Will ask if front office can do color printing

Certificates + Folders


Ms. Chen will find out



Balloon Arch Estimate?

Breakfast for Parents


Room Mom Donations?








Budget with the tshirt increase is $3230.


Motion made to increase Mandarin Special Event budget by $1200 to use judiciously. Vote was passed by majority.



Lisa Lee


-Chase Account Balance: $103,132.24


-Vote Passed by email: 10/30/2023:


-The movie night crew currently had a budget of $1800 and asked the board to vote on adding $1258 for a total budget of $3058. This will cover additional security that is needed to have it on the fields behind the basketball courts on the elementary campus and lights rental that we don’t use in the smaller amphitheater venue (where we’ve held movie night in the past). VOTE PASSED 



Expenses: $10,863.80

Income from ticket and raffle ticket sales: $7,706.50

Difference of $3,157.30

Notes for next year: more parental volunteers to assist at bouncy houses, making sure older kids are not overrunning younger kids. Try with Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts to use as volunteers. 

Cubbies that Care also had a booth at the Carnival - made 374 dollars. 

Think about RBF (results based funding). 

Waiting on Book Fair numbers still from Scholastic. 

Teacher Reps

Melissa Caramucci/Jamie McCrensky

~ What’s the status on PJ’s? 

Already spoken on earlier


Gathering quotes on chairs and following up on chair totals. 


VP of Events

Whitney Graving

-Thank you Carnival Committee Members - Dina Engler & Kiki Dupey. You hit it out of the ball park with a fantastic Carnival!! 

-25 year Anniversary Movie Night: “A Bug’s Life” will be shown at the DCES Baseball field (north side of school) on Dec 1, 2023 from 5-8pm. Food trucks will be present. I am working closely with Lisa M. at the district to get the event approved. Come join the fun as we celebrate DCES turning 25 years old! It is open to the public. Let’s spread the word 😀 Harkins popcorn truck, Koney Dogs and other food trucks will be present. Open to the public


-Amazing Race 2024: Theme is SPORTS!  **Staff Involvement: One or 2 weeks before the Amazing Race, we want to “highlight” teachers on the AM Announcements who either currently play a sport, or did back in the day. Looking for photographs of teachers/staff playing sports either now or when they played (a sport) as a  kid! “Can you guess who this is….?” OR “Look at Mr/Ms./Coach and the sport they are playing Now!”   Please email:  events@dcespto.org with a photo and a super short blurb or brief information that you would like to share on the morning announcements in February. THANK YOU DCES TEACHERS AND STAFF!

Prizes being discussed and options compiled.

VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Sophie Badgett

Looking for a replacement Melvin (Ideally before January A+ review). 


VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle

-Veteran’s Day Program Nov 9  

Snacks and coffee being brought in

-Thanksgiving Pies for Teachers/Staff Nov 21st

Pie drive to start signup this week. Delivery the tuesday of Thanksgiving. Teachers prefer store bought pies

VP of Communications

Courtney Schramm



VP of Fundraising

Nicole Carey


13 sponsors now. Preparing to get banners ready.


VP of Technology

Mary Olley

Craig Doss