PTO Meeting Minutes - 6/4/24

6/5/2024 11:22 am





Tuesday, June 4, 2024


3:00 PM


DCES Main Office and via Zoom



April Beauboeuf, Board Co-President

Kristen Easton, VP Treasurer/Finance

Adam Cusimano, Board Secretary

Nicole Carey, VP Sponsorships

Stephanie Sedlak, VP Communications

Casey Magargle, VP Communications

Blair Geczi, VP of Hospitality

Kimberly Lyons, VP of Hospitality

Melissa Caramucci, Teacher representative

Jamie McCrensky, Teacher Representative 

Erin Scagnelli, Vice Principal

Kortney Hohle, site council representative

Amie Hegeman, Mandarin representative

Samatha Oliver, VP Campus Improvements

Kimberly Mills, Principal



Craig Doss, VP Technology

Whitney Graving, VP Events



Call to Order 

  • The open board meeting was called to order at 3:01 p.m. by President April Beauboeuf.

Principal Updates

  • Working on parent incentive with a tax credit. Plan to add date for fundraiser
  • Enrollment is currently going through the district office. A digital flyer will be shared
  • Currently transitioning to a new website platform
  • New kinder teacher, Melissa Caramucci, announced
  • All teachers fully staffed

President Updates

  • Setting plans to auction parking spaces
  • Focus on the paw partnership for the coming year
  • Discussion about increasing the teacher treats for the upcoming year
  • Memorial bench has been ordered and will be installed in August.

Treasurer Updates

  • Roughly $80k in the bank to start 2024-2025 schoolyear with only a few pending reimbursements and expenses to process.
  • 2023-2024 schoolyear brought in $107k while spending $137k
  • Budget draft for 2024-2025 was reviewed line by line with highlights. Some numbers can still be adjusted to offset eachother including lowering the book fair expense and increasing the movie night expense.
  • April made a motion to accept the 2024-2025 budget pending those changes. Adam seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Next Meeting/Adjournment 


  • With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting date will be August 8, 2024.


Respectfully submitted,

Adam Cusimano – Board Secretary