11/9/2022 2:30 am




Katie Makelele, Co President

Tara McConnell, Co President 

Kelley Karvandi, Secretary

Lisa Lee, Treasurer

Alicia Haygood, VP of Fundraising

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Beth Beyer Williams, VP Communications

Ellen Snyder, VP Communications

Nicky Doss, VP of Special Projects and Campus Improvements

Paige Miller-Blum, VP Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Alexis Wolf, VP of Events

Maria Bispen, VP of Events

Emily Chin, VP of Events

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Casey Magargle, VP of Hospitality

Alice Hsieh, Mandarin Rep

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Colleen Love, Vice Principal

Mrs. Deacon, Teacher Representatives

Mrs. Caramucci, Teacher Representatives

*Dennis Roehler, the Director of Facilities, coming to speak at the beginning of the meeting.


  • Dennis wants to see how the metal shade structure with perforated holes works/looks at Tevan before it gets installed at DCES. In the meantime, over xmas break they will get designers out to start planning. Shade structure will be in lieu of a gym building.
  • In late October Dennis will ask Mrs. Mills to put together a committee for the shade structure
  • In the future when requesting updates to the facilities, the best process is to submit a Gift & Donation form, this helps the process, it would need to be submitted 2-3 weeks before the next board meeting so it can be included in the agenda



Shade structure over basketball courts - could it be affected if the override doesn’t pass?


  • No, it has been part of 2016 bond and will not be affected


Principal Update 

Mrs. Mills & Mrs. Love

President Update

Katie Makelele

Tara McConnell


DAA Override 

    • Town Hall Meeting at Desert Mountain High School on 9/15 at 6pm
    • Quick rundown: Funds generated would be used to provide: Curriculum materials and school technology, School furniture, fixtures and equipment, Fine Arts, Athletics and Library equipment & materials, Playground equipment and facilities. If approved, the proposed Override would continue the 2016 voter-approved override for seven years and increase what it brings in annually from $8.5 million to $14.5 million per year. The estimated tax rate for the renewed Override is $0.23 per $100 of
    • This measure is supported by our district. Vote to support the override as a PTO so we can communicate about this measure with our parents in an informative way


  • PTO vote to support DAA override - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22
  • PTO vote to donate (amount?) - vote via email after checking w/ Treasurer on budget/extra funds surplus & Tara possibly looking at how much was donated 7 years ago.



Site Council Update 

  • Going forward we’d like to have an update on the following
    • Current Site Council budget and funds still available
    • Projects approved by Site Council with timeline, if possible
    • Projects rejected by Site Council so we can discuss handling under the PTO budget


Zoom purchased for PTO use for 1 year

VPs are able to set up meetings for the committees that fall under their position as needed. 


PTO mailbox is now on the door to the PTO closet


DCES Facebook page

  • Who is responsible for adding content to the school page?
  • Other elementary schools in the district update a lot more than DCES.
    Thoughts on pulling some of their great ideas to our page? Teacher Tuesday, for example




Due to updated numbers from staffing changes we need to vote on the following:

  1. Increase the teacher reimbursement budget from $9060 to $10,000 - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22
  2. Increase our specials reimbursement budget from $4825 to $5400 - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22
  3. Does anyone know of a CPA? PTO needs their taxes done
  4. Chase account balance $86,944.25
  5. Paypal Balance: $7,637.42
  6. Vote to increase emergency fund for classroom snacks from $50-$100 - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22






Mrs. Deacon

Mrs. Caramucci


    • Can we replace blinds in classrooms? Requested by Ms Rita


  • Mrs. Mills is going to look into it. It is most likely part of the school budget.


    • Request for Campus-wide projects- Chalkboards for the walls facing the lower elementary playground for students to draw on
    • Ice machine for work room


  • We are connecting w/ Cherokee PTO to see which Ice Machine they have


    • Can PTO change the Kiosk by the parent drop off?
    • Has there been any talk or discussion about a parent volunteer to assist with StuGo? -Blake Rhodes


  • Request that Mr. Rhodes to send a description of what he needs & time commitment


    • Would PTO be willing to purchase an electric hole punch in the teacher workroom?
    • Can you clarify about the reimbursement PTO is willing to offer for flexible seating? Spoke about it last year as a board but nothing was clarified.


  • Need clarification on type and quantity requesting


    • Would PTO be willing to purchase power strips with multiple plugs for teachers who need it? Could survey to get teacher need


  • Survey teachers who needs it and then we can vote on it.



VP of Events

Alexis Wolf, Maria Bispen, Emily Chin


We are voting for Maria Bispen and Emily Chin to join Alexis Wolf (already in place) as co-VP Events. VOTED YES ON 08/21/22


Fall Festival update



  • Oct 21st movie night at ampitheater
  • Budget approval for $625 for kona ice truck + $150 for popcorn supplies
  • Screen being donated by family
  • May need to purchase projector - will send out email vote


VP of Special Projects/ Campus Improvements

Nicole Doss & Paige Miller-Blum


Update on signs for South gate


  • All will be up next week


Site Council Update (Paige) 



Due to updated numbers from staffing changes we need to vote on the following:

  1. Increase the teacher reimbursement budget from $9060 to $10,000 - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22
  2. Increase our specials reimbursement budget from $4825 to $5400 - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22
  3. Does anyone know of a CPA? PTO needs their taxes done
  4. Chase account balance $86,944.25
  5. Paypal Balance: $7,637.42
  6. Vote to increase emergency fund for classroom snacks from $50-$100 - VOTED YES ON 9/12/22



VP of Hospitality

Melanie Frisone & Casey Magargle


We are voting to add $50 to the hospitality budget for snacks for volunteers during the health screening this week as requested by the nurse. VOTED YES ON 09/7/22

VP of Communications

Beth Beyer Williams & Ellen Snyder




VP of Fundraising

Alicia Haygood

Sponsors asking for more details on upcoming Events and which ones they can attend.

Siena Arte Portrait wants to do a auction session and asking for details. 


  • Sponsors want to know what events they can come to


VP of Technology

Mary Olley