Back to PTO Board Meeting Minutes 2021-2023




Laura Weeshoff, Outgoing President

Katie Makelele, Incoming President

Kimberly Mills, Principal

Colleen Costello, Assistant Principal

Tara McConell, Treasurer 

Marissa Anderson, Secretary

Alicia Haygood, VP of Communications

Dave McCuistion, VP of Technology 

Beth Beyer, VP of Communications

Dina Engler, VP of Events

Lisa Burke, Carnival

Mary Olley, VP of Technology

Krista Kotsovos, VP of Improvements

Melanie Frisone, VP of Hospitality

Jamie McCrensky, VP of Staff

Holly Hooley, VP of Staff


  • Golf Tournament reached their fundraising goal! 
    • Next year remember prize for lowest score; 
    • Save sponsorship boards
    • Consider date change to spring


Principal Updates:

  • Up to 2 volunteers allowed in each classroom for the winter parties; teachers will coordinate with room moms. Encouraging teachers to select parents that have not had a chance to volunteer this year. 
  • Winter concerts - Band (Tues), Choir (Wed.), Strings (Thur.)
  • Spelling Bee (Friday) 
  • Sub days for teachers
  • Spirit Week Dec. 13th-7th 
  • Caroling - Wed. Dec. 15th (5th grade and choir)
  • Baskets
  • Teacher support from admin.
  • Tax Credit 
  • Campus improvement updates. City council meeting to approve widening Dec 7. Then to SUSD board
  • OE 44 Kindergarten 2022-2023 


President Updates:



  • Run Club


    • We are paying $25/hour for Ms. Tipton for the entire year 
    • Site Council is paying for Ms. Leopold and both aids
    • Looking to schedule 1k? Or 1 mile fun run in Spring.  Should consider making it a PTO event on weekend instead of a school event due to less restrictions.   Remember field day is March 4th
    • Putting together Run Club t-shirts for possible fundraising (to go towards paying Ms. Tipton)
    • Consider adding a fee next year to offset cost.   We have done this in the past for other clubs.
    • Vote $360 to pay for staff through Spring, $40 for supplies.  Approved.
  • General Meeting next month January 10th (March 7th) middle school cafeteria
    • Possibly in the middle school library, evening meeting. 
    • Rena Saltzman in charge of speaker.
    • We will discuss all of the positions, and email them out; at that point we have 2 months to fill a slate; Discuss the Outreach VP position - and putting the outreach group under it in the future
    • Voting will be in March at general meeting. 
    • Possibly eliminate VP of outreach
    • Notify parents of statewide ban on suspending a child 4th grade and under


  • Garden Club - we have added pre-k
  • Parada del Sol float - Need truck and trailer for float.  Connect with Mr. Rhodes on this because he is head of Stu Go.  Event is 2/12/21
  • High Heat Days - Request permission to use middle school classroom.  Still pending.


  • Tax Credit Flyer - should PTO make this? Needs to be sent out / posted this month
  • Thank you to Tara McConnel for the chalk board art


Campus Improvements/Special Projects: Krista and Brenda


  • City will review at the December 8 meeting 
  • Shade structure for students will be installed during winter break
  • Tree put in soon - water line has been installed
  • Water Fountain - still pending information


Events: Dina and Kelly



  • This week: 
  • Mom’s night happy hour on Wednesday 5-7


      • Peter Piper


  • Carnival - 1/21/22 - Lisa Burke


    • Submit Facilities request for tables, chairs and maintenance to keep the field clean that night through Lisa Macarele at Facilities
    • Field reserved
    • Rides and inflatables approved
    • Sports theme
    • Start advertising early
    • Set up sign up for parent and teacher volunteers
    • Check supply closet for prizes and games
    • Raffle: pre purchase tickets online or buy at carnival. 


  • Chinese new year celebration 28th - 1/28/22


    • Outside in amphitheater
    • PTO will sponsor dragon
    • Need to reach out to Michelle Lightner and Kerry Lee


  • Amazing Race - Krista Kotsovos
  • Soft launch at the Chinese New Year celebration 


    • Theme: Rockin in the USA
    • Prize launch session at lunch 
    • Teacher responses: 79% said yes to lunch with a teacher, suggestions for rewards outside of school, consider equity for all kids despite parents’ economic contribution.  



  • Spring book fair date set:


    • April 25-29 (Fine Arts April 29)

Treasurer - Tara


  • Family Fun Nights has surpassed their goal of $1000 and already has raised $1762.01
  • Golf tournament surpassed their goal of $10,000 and raised $10,305.37. With costs landing at $6649.26, the event netted $3656.27
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: We need to have a vote to approve a new budget for legacy spending for north gate improvements because costs have risen since we got our original quote. Prior budget was $36,000 and we need $45,000, which is a difference of $9000. Vote to add $9000 to legacy spending budget.  Approved.
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: The current budget for Run Club is $750. $300 of that is for Tara Webster to use for supplies and $152 has been spent so far. The other $450 was meant for staffing. Mrs. Mills has asked us for $810 to cover the additional staff. I’m not sure if this is for the semester or for the entire year, but we might need to alter the budget based on the difference. Once clarified, at $810, the budget will need to be increased by $400 which will cover the $810 and add $40 to Tara’s supplies budget YES
  • Budget to date below:


Teachers Report - Mrs. Hooley and Ms. McCrensky

  • “Chromebook” charger update: 29 charges requested, $2914.48 for 80 chargers.  School is getting new chromebooks that are different from current chromebooks.  Consider ordering chargers for all classrooms because of chromebook change.
  • Teacher input - classroom  helpers.  Less than half want regular classroom helpers.
  • Over 80% would like copy help. Try to set up copy help in work room starting in January.  
  • Teacher input - legacy spending - will be sent out this week


Communications / App - Beth, Alicia, Dave, Mary

  • Are teachers getting our emails?  Dave/Mary
  • Make sure teachers feel welcome to attend events and are notified early
  • Alicia - Update PTO board with Winter Recess


Hospitality - Melanie and Caroline

  • Pies a success!
  • Teacher gift baskets