11/10/2021 12:45 pm
- Fall social : success! things we liked/Things we'd improve on
- US News World Report - top 2.5 % 32/1315 az public schools
Upcoming Events:
- Family Fun Night 11/18- Panera (4-8pm). Get flyers to teachers earlier. $1000 goal reached on family fun night!
- Turkey Trot 11/23 - Candace organizing volunteers at Mrs. Sparks request, 2 from each class. Volunteers needing approval should let school/district know it’s for Turkey Trot.
- Golf Tournament 12/3 - MMR. Need sponsors and participants!! Lunch included also 2 drinks
- Family Fun Night 12/9 - Peter Piper Pizza (5-8pm)
- Carnival 1/21
- Chinese New Year Celebration 1/28 - Friday evening celebration on campus?
Presidents Updates:
- Running Club
- 1k in 2022 on campus - what month/date would work?
- Planning for next semester: funding through t shirts, tax credit, etc. PTO pays for one staff member, site counsel pays for the second staff member. If site counsel pays for both teachers, PTO could find a way to fund or support para volunteers.
- DCES Ranking Graphic on DCES Facebook page? (possibilities - separate email announcement, card with tattoo, placement on kinder roundup flyer)
- Kindergarten Roundup
- Dates: 11/9, 1/11, 3/08; last 2 will be in person in the library.
- Tours available after school on Wednesday
- Helping teachers with large class sizes.
- Can PTO fund a part time assistant teacher to help the 2-3 largest classes on campus? (say classes k-2 with more than 24, and 3-5 with more than 25)
- Or recruit semi-permanent volunteers for those teachers?
- Look into it for the future for all regular program grades that are significantly larger? (i..e this year maybe 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th- consider 2 part time aides/ one for 2nd/3rd one for 4th/5th - or long term volunteers
- Does teacher want an aid
- Each teacher can choose 1 parent volunteer
- Must be Equitable
- Volunteers in classrooms? Right now limited to one at a time.
- Holiday Shop: What do we do for holidays on campus - asked by a parent. Could we do a shop for students to purchase inexpensive items for their families. (i.e. next year, $1-5 price point, during that before school recess). Do not have time for it this year, but will look at for next year.
- Follow up on hooks for backpacks
- K-3 put backpacks in cove before school, 4-5 put them on the playground.
- Wall mounts are a concern because of scorpions. Maybe something movable?
- Book Fair was a big success!
Treasurer Updates:
- Fall social was well under budget using only $900 of the allotted $1600
- I've received a check from a management company in Utah called "KNDRS" for $715. It was made out to SUSD but notated as "Desert Canyon Fundraiser." Does anyone know what this is? And if so, can we get it reissued so that it is made out to DCES PTO?
Faculty Updates:
- Info on chromebook chargers for classrooms. Mrs. Hooley will send out email to faculty for charger requests before we order.
Principal Updates:
- Working on parking spots
- Office conference room furniture and paint is done.
- Thank you to hospitality for conference night
- Thank you for book fair and chalkboards
- Kinder numbers are excellent for next year
Campus Improvements and Special Projects Updates:
- The IGA between the city and SUSD should be wrapping up soon and Gregg Skelton is hoping to get the project on the SUSD general board meeting on the agenda for their next meeting. Also Gregg is planning on doing the sidewalk widening first to get the project moving while we wait on the shade structures to be made and installed
- North gate shade should arrive today and will be scheduled to
- Frame on chalkboard has been completed for the 4th grade cove
- SUSD will be replacing the fountain in the 5th grade cove. We are waiting to receive the quote on the water bottle filler for the PE room in order to purchase.
- Parking lot repainting is still in the works
- Mastic tree quotes- --Large one will be too big. Medium is $2500 plus tax and Small is $800 plus tax. Medium will be good sized and provide shade, Small will be home depot size. Will need to include pricing of taking down the fence, water will probably provided by district, but not sure. Vote taken and small is voted on.
- We will discuss Scholastic dollars next month! Approximately 14,000 dollars raised
- We have put in our spiritwear order for fall/winter and deliver is expected in about 4 weeks, we made a slight change to the red color due to availability
- We will meet in the library next month
- Golf Tournament - advertise the happy hour after as well. Flier
- Moms night out planned for December as well