7/22/2021 11:17 pm




Kimberly Mills - Principal 

Colleen Costello - Assistant Principal

Laura Weeshoff - Outgoing President

Tara McConnelll - Treasurer

Marissa Anderson - Secretary

Jamie McCrensky - VP of Teacher Representation

Holly Hooley - VP of Teacher Representation

Dave McCuiston - VP of Technology

Melanie Frisone - VP of Hospitality

Alicia Haygood - VP of Communication

Beth Williams - VP of Communication

Dina Engler - VP of Events

  1. Principal Update
    • Sharon Web is our new admin assistant and Leslie Ortiz is our new registrar.
    • Enrollment is up for the fall with 542 students enrolled.
    • Meet the teacher is 8/2, 5:30-6pm.  Parents will be able to log into Parent Vue by the end of next week to identify their child’s teacher.
    • Scottsdale Parent Council - Mrs. Mills to get information to board on how candidates are selected.  
    • PTO board to get PTO dates to Mrs. Mills by next week for the master calendar
  2. Bylaws edit proposal was sent to all board members.  Need to wait 30 days before we can vote on it.  
  3. Budget approved unanimously.
  4. Vote for membership to be free to all DCES families passed unanimously.  Families will still be required to register on the website or app for membership.
  5. Meetings will be held the first Monday of the month at 3:45 at DCES
  6. $250 to the district for the 125 year celebration approved unanimously.
  7. Selling remaining birthday book club items, bags and water bottles approved unanimously.
  8. Need to get quote on friendship benches for pre K and K-2 playgrounds.
  9. Community Engagement Committee
    • Designed to reach new and existing families and help them get involved with the PTO.  
    • Will fall under VPs of Communications.
    • Establishment of the Community Engagement Committee passed  by a unanimous vote.
  10. PTO membership meetings will occur once per quarter at the school, and the time will be determined based on need and community input. 
  11. Back to School Night at Peter Piper scheduled for 8/5 5pm-8pm.  Spirit wear will be sold at event.
  12. Hospitality will provide an early dinner for teachers on meet the teacher night. 
  13. Tentative Carnival Date is 11/5/21
  14. Volunteers needed for spirit wear sales on meet the teacher night.  
    • VP of Outreach and Volunteers to organize sign up genius. 
    • Board members will be present to assist families in signing up for PTO.
  15. Chargers will be passed out on the first day of school.  Will put them with a PTO flyer to get passed out to each student.
  16. Remaining open positions for PTO.  These will be posted through social media and school communications.
    • Incoming President (Board Position)
    • Co VP of Special Projects (Board Position)
    • Community Engagement Committee Coordinator 
    • Back to School Bash
    • Golf Tournament
    • Dinner Auction 
    • Fifth Grade Celebration 
    • Fifth Grade Bricks

