PTO Board Meeting Minutes - February 8, 2021, 3:45pm

3/23/2021 6:33 pm

PTO Board Meeting Minutes 

February 8, 2021, 3:45pm


2020-2021 Board Attendees:

Co-Presidents: Laura Weeshoff - Kiki Dupey - Teacher Representative: Holly Hooley - Jamie McCrensky- VP Hospitality: Melanie Frisone - Michelle Wilson  - VP Finance: Tara McConnell - VP Fundraising: Maria Aldrich - VP Communications/App: Beth Williams - Alicia Haygood - Mary Olley – Dave McQuiston – VP Spring Events: Krista Kotsovos - VP Fall Events: Marissa Anderson - VP Outreach: Morgan Reader -  SOL Liaison: Laurie Jones - Mandarin Liaison: Kerry Dandan Sullivan



  • DCES Marquis looks fabulous!
  • We have hit $20,000 with the Amazing Race
  • We have a student from DCES, Sama Kafa, 4th grade, that finished 5th in the district spelling bee and will be moving on to regionals! She is new to our school. Riley is our runner up. 


Principal Update:

  • Fast Bridge - language arts screener; k-3 is given reading assessment and iReady 
  • Mrs. Karr is teacher of the year for SUSD
  • Do we have a teacher interested in leading garden club this year? Miss Rita can take kids out during after care
  • Can we have the Lego Bricks and other after school activities restart - Navajo has their bricks program going. Could we open these just to potentially after care kids? Or to the entire campus?
  • Kids club summer care - on our campus. Here and off campus at another site. City of Scottsdale won’t be on our campus. 
  • Will classrooms be using our STEAM carts that PTO purchased? Do we need to train teachers on these
  • Use results based funding for charging stations/carts


Old Business:

  • Mid Year Flyer went out
  • Long sleeved spiritwear delivered! Still waiting on tie dye backorder which should be done soon
  • 5th grade brick parent - do we have one?
  • PTO paid for fifth grade cove water filling maintenance and picture frames


New Business:

  • 400 medium and 200 small power banks were donated to the school from Amanda; we will ask Sarah Crawford to design a sticker; along with a new logo; first they will go to all staff; then we will give them out at various PTO functions/events/raffles


VP Spring Events : Krista Kotsovos

  • Amazing race - over $20,000!!!
    • Mad scientist challenge - have all board members do a fun picture to kick it off
    •  Krista to meet with Mrs. Mills to help with planning. 
  • Drive in Movie? - need co chairs
  • Considering fun run for April


VP Special Projects: Alyson Ashcroft

  • Replace shade cover at first grade cove wash stations - ideally done before March.
  • Shade structure at North Gate where teachers let students out. (Greg Skelton has suggestions for us here as well) and widen the walkway, add benches and shade between the parking lot and North Gate.
  • Benches and shade structure at cafeteria so at least one class can eat outside
  • Future possibility: shade structure at south gate 


VP Communications/Marketing: Beth and Alicia

  • Marketing: Ask our new front desk person (Christina?) to be one of our DCES Facebook post reps for our official DCES SUSD page?  Does she have a school email account?
    • Create list of parents that opted out of marketing (Ideally done at beginning of the year)
    • Link DCES Instagram families page to our DCES SUSD page and remove “families”

So that posts will easily flow through; can we have our new front desk person do

 this? And add Mrs. Mills, Colleen and Brenda if they are on instagram

  • Highlight each teacher with their favorite quote from a student/family and the teacher’s picture. 
  • Kinder buddy day - we have tattoos, water bottles, paw shaped crayons and yard signs, order pencils. Drive through pick up? Ask them if they’ll give us our address?
  • Highlight/show board members
    • Selfie video with each board member - highlight one a week
      WE NEED MORE! We have Pres. Finance and Comm Team. The rest??


VP Fall Events: Marissa Anderson

Family fun nights - *Take out nights at restaurants*

  • Chick fil A - Total? 
  • NYPD Total?
  • Panera tonight!!!
  • Papa Johns will be on the following Mondays: 1/25, 2/22, 3/22, and 4/19.  WIll do one with our game night.

Trivia Night

  • Need budget vote for funds.  $2500 will cover 125 participants. Each family would be a participant; Voted on and approved
  • What date? - email Mrs. Mills
  • 3 or four rounds of trivia.  Do we have prizes we can award for each round and best overall?  Blankets in PTO closet, power bar chargers, 50/50
  • Will schedule pizza night with it as fundraiser.


Mandarin Liaison: Kerry Dandan Sullivan

  • Chinese New year celebrations Feb 12th!! 
  • Favors, crafts, Teacher meal, Tattoos
  • Working on Shirt for spiritwear


Teacher Representative: Jamie McCrensky and Holly Hooley

  • should be the email for reimbursements
    • Ok to buy child size masks with funds. - use pandemic funds; fifth grade will need larger masks. 


VP Finance: Tara McConnell

  • Chase account $86,832.45
  • Paypal account $1,101.25
  • *Actionable Items* 
    • Spiritwear has already beat it’s goal of raising $10,000 by $3000, but we need to raise the budget of $6500 to $8000 ($1500 increase) to cover our winter spiritwear purchase; Vote approved +$1500
    • We need to approve a budget for Trivia Night. Marissa thinks the cost will be up to $2500 depending on participation APPROVED AT $2500
    • Amazing Race is doing so well that we may need to raise the budget for Paypal fees. The current budget is $2000 and we’ve spent about $1700 of it. I’d like to raise it to $2500 ($500 increase) to prevent any overages from Amazing race or end of year (like yearbook) online purchases +$500 approved
    • Budget for legacy spending so we can get started. Currently we have about $87,000. We could have up to $41,000 left to spend this year including teacher reimbursements, a couple more events, some hospitality funds, a few more school events, yearbook has to be paid for and administrative fees which gives us over 40K to currently work with. Whatever we decide on can be changed based on Amazing Race funds; approved 40k





VP Hospitality: Melanie Frisone and Michelle Wilson

  • Valentine’s Day Giveaway - 10 - $10 Gift Card Baskets 
  • Early Release Lunches for Professional Development Days?


VP App: Dave, Mary

  • Tour video?
  • Reminder: 
  • Possible music video later in the year


VP Sponsorships: Maria Aldrich


VP Outreach: Morgan Reader