Back to PTO Board Meeting Minutes 2021-2023
PTO Board Meeting Minutes - Sept 9, 2020 3:30pm

PTO Board Meeting Minutes 

Wednesday, Sept 9, 2020 3:30 p.m.


2020-2021 Board Attendees:

Co-Presidents: Laura Weeshoff - Kiki Dupey - Teacher Representative: Holly Hooley - Jamie McCrensky- VP Hospitality: Melanie Frisone - Michelle Wilson  - VP Finance: Tara McConnell - VP Fundraising: Maria Aldrich - VP Communications/App: Beth Williams - Alicia Haygood - Mary Olley – Dave McQuiston – VP Spring Events: Krista Kotsovos - VP Fall Events: Marissa Anderson - VP Outreach: Morgan Reader  SOL Liaison - Laurie Jones




Prek and 3s are starting next week! Kinder orientation begins next week!


Principal Update:

  • Water Bottles - water fountains are covered for now. Water dispensers are still functioning. Case of water bottles for each teacher and replenishing first aid kits (crackers)
  • Curriculum Night - presentations with a link online
  • General update


Old Business:

  • Spiritwear orders closed


New Business:

  • Spiritwear distribution - try for October
  • PTO Marquis - do we have someone interested in taking this on?
  • PTO VP/Liaison for Mandarin Events - Kerry Dandan
  • Room parent assignments - at curriculum night? Before curriculum night?


Teacher Representative: Jamie McCrensky and Holly Hooley

  • Any needs for opening? Hepa filter/fans? Outdoor benches?


VP Finance: Tara McConnell

  •  Please submit (non-teacher) reimbursements on the following google form: (this can also be found at and in an email sent out today
  • Chase Bank Account $68,619.37
  • Paypal: $1450.83
  • Upcoming expenses: 
    • - birthday book club bags $704
    • - birthday book club bottles: $576
    • - spiritwear $5276
  • Fundraising:- 
  • Sponsorships have raised $1400
  • Paw partnerships raised $11,560 (vs $13,235 last year)
  • Spiritwear raised $8026.50 total
  • **Actionable items**: 
    • - Read Naturally was funded for $700 but the total actually came to $740.72 Can we please vote to raise the budget for this item to $741?
    •  Brenda has requested additional items for Emergency kits. Each year, we usually replace the crackers and a gallon water bottle in the event of a lockdown. Since parents will not be able to drop off items once school is in session, Brenda has asked us to additionally supply a pack of individual water bottles for each classroom. We can either vote to increase the Emergency kit fund from $50 or we can do what we did last year and create a pandemic fund to cover these items which we wouldn't have in a normal school year.






VP Sponsorships: Maria Aldrich

  • Send Mrs. Mills Paw Partnership information so she can share it during curriculum night


VP App: Dave, Mary


VP Fall Events: Marissa Anderson

  • Golf fundraiser in the fall? 
    • Ryan Curran helping. 
  • Small auction for leftover items - do we want to do this on Facebook, what date?
    • Pinetop is October 31 and Troon card is December 31. Omni is April; Southwest tickets, Disney tickets.
    • Remember to advertise it ahead of time - at least 1 week in advance
  • Family fun nights - *Take out nights at restaurants*(Nicole Quadrini, Meredith McDermott, Jen Simpson)
    • Ask Fired Pie for this month on Wednesday the 23rd - 
    • Early Release Wednesday in October - Peter Piper - with afternoon/evening/all day option
    • Try twice a month -with early release Wed and a Friday
  • Birthday Book Club  
    • Oct 16. - Lisa Lee is working with Brandables and has ordered water bottles, drawstring bags, she is also ordering paw print pencils, paw erasers, will use a DCES tattoo, candy and the books we still have


VP Communications: Beth and Alicia

  • Highlight/show board members
    • Selfie video with each board member - highlight one a week
  • Email for any posting on facebook, insta, email; also forward emails to Laurie Jones;
  • Blog posts topics


VP Hospitality: Melanie Frisone and Michelle Wilson

  • Can we do teacher treats when school starts?
    • Do something for each grade level as they return, can be delivered to the front office; pre-packaged lunch for example; teachers will have 2 days before they start - they will be on campus prepping
    • Add teacher favorite things to the app


VP Special Projects: Alyson Ashcroft

  • We are in charge of maintaining butterfly garden and school gardens that we have planted
  • Boxes in the fourth grade and kinder cove - has the soil been delivered? Are they still going to use those boxes for Native American Planting in fourth? STEAM planting? 3rd grade garden teas or tasting; We just need to contact Sing Farms
  • Katie Perata, Miss Rita, Maria Bauman, Master gardener from Mesa, Nicole Quadrini?


SOL Liaison: Laurie Jones; 

  • SOL families have a Facebook group
  • Email Laurie to forward DCES emails to SOL


VP Spring Events : Krista Kotsovos

  • Amazing race in the spring - TBD


VP Outreach: Morgan Reader