Mrs. Mills September Principal Newsletter

11/7/2023 2:45 pm

Thursday, Sep 7, 9:00 AM

Parent Newsletter   |  September 8, 2023 
September 8, 2023
Dear DCES Families,

Our cubbies have been practicing Be Kind Skills. The theme for September is Be Supportive! One way you can reinforce the principles of kindness at home is to start a family discussion jar. Print and cut out sentence strips and place them in a jar (you can write your own questions in the blank spaces as well)! When you're ready, draw a question and discuss your answer as a family. Pay it forward; be kind!
Dot Day Message from Mrs. Sparks 
International Dot Day is September 15th! It’s based around Peter H. Reynold’s inspirational story, The Dot. If you’ve never read it, it’s timeless and ageless. The story, which I’m showing in all K-5 Art classes, is about a little girl who doesn’t believe she can paint and an art teacher who inspires and encourages her. Through the creation of various sized and colored dots, she becomes quite an artist. At the art show, a little boy approaches her to compliment her on her dots. She in turn encourages the boy to draw his squiggly line and then “sign it”, just as her art teacher had done for her. The story is about creativity and courage. One line that is prominent in the story is spoken by the teacher, who says, “Make a mark and see where it takes you!” International Dot Day is celebrated in over 192 countries by over 19 million people! Teacher Terry Shay read The Dot and her class started Dot Day in 2009.

We will be celebrating our first ever Dot Day at DCES. Each K-5 student is currently working on a grade level specific dot art project in Art class that will be displayed on campus. Students will have an opportunity to take a photo in front of the International Dot Day Sign and/or their artwork on Friday, September 15th! We will also be revealing the Art room’s new Dot Day Chair!

This can be a very simple way to remind our Cubbies that starting, even if it’s with a dot, can turn into success and creativity!

DCES Site Council Member Needed
We are seeking a K-1 parent representative. Terms are for two years. If you are interested in applying for site council, please complete the application form below and turn it in to the office by Friday, September 15th. 
Site Council Application
Important Dates: 
Wednesday, September 13th Early Release 1:15 pm
Friday, September 15th Dot Day
Monday, September 25th District Recess No School
Wednesday, September 27th, Early Release 1:15 pm
Wednesday, September 27th First Responders Event (wear red, white, and blue)
Wednesday, October 4th 1st Quarter ROAR Assembly 
October 9th-13th Fall Break No School 

Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Kimberly Mills金柏莉| Principal
沙谷小学Desert Canyon Elementary School